RICOH THETA X works great with Ethernet.

See this video for more information.

Out of the RICOH THETA lineup we tested, the THETA X is the only camera model that works reliably with Ethernet and the newest firmware from RICOH as of February 2022.

Previously, the V worked with Ethernet, but firmware upgrades eventually caused the Ethernet to stop working. The Z1 loses charge when Ethernet is being used.

The THETA X retains the charge fully. We verified the following:

  • camera works without the battery in the camera
  • if the battery is in the camera, charge remains 100%
  • camera receives IP address from office DHCP server other Ethernet
  • camera can communicate with external cloud-based API servers on the Internet
  • client mode API access works over Ethernet
  • Internet access works using a THETA X plug-in
  • motionJPEG live streaming over Ethernet

Testing live preview over Ethernet for over an hour. No loss in battery charge.

Removed battery and the camera still works when connected to Ethernet with a USB-C adapter.

Viewing THETA X 360 stream in Firefox with Amelia Viewer.

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